Taita-Taveta youths trained on Digital Marketing to boost tourism


The County government of Taita Taveta through its education docket has urged the youths to embrace Strategic Digital Marketing in order to boost Domestic Tourism.

The County government lauded the participants who had completed one-week training on Digital Marketing for Domestic Tourism for their determination and cooperation during the training sessions.

Speaking at Voi Wildlife Lodge, in Voi while issuing certificates to the trained students, the County Executive Committee Member (CECM) Education Gloria Monikombo lauded Catalyste+ Organization which facilitated the training through Mlilo Community Based Tourism Voi.

She encouraged the facilitators to consider training more youths in the county in the future.

Amanda Dooney a volunteer from Catalyste+ Organization (left) with Taita Taveta CECM in charge of Education Libraries and VTCs present a certificate to a participant after digital marketing training.

“This is a good gesture and as a county, we welcome the support.

We have many tourist attraction sites which, if the social media platforms can be harnessed and utilized well, the youths, apart from getting sources of income will advertise our county and attract more tourists from across the world,” she said.

According to Amanda Dooney, a volunteer trainer from Catalyste+ Organization, the world is rapidly going digital and there is a need to use digital platforms for marketing and business purposes which will reach more people from across the globe hence boosting the tourism sector.

Trainees were taken through the various social media platforms that can be used to market tourist attractions sites, and hotels amongst other areas of interest to tourists which include; Websites, Facebook pages and accounts, Twitter, and Instagram amongst other sites.

“There are a lot of opportunities in the world for women and for youths, local community-based organizations, and people who have homestays, to use digital and strategic marketing in the tourism sector to improve their economic status,” said Amanda.

On her part, Petronila Mugeni, one of the participants who benefited from the training commended the organization and said this is a game changer in her life in matters of tourism.

Mugeni noted that apart from understanding various strategic ways of utilizing social media to market and showcase the tourist attractions sites in the county and earn a living, she is now able to teach other youths the different ways to use social media platforms as ways to boost their economic status.

“we’ve gained a lot and I urge the organization and any other person with such a brilliant idea to come out and support as many youths as possible so that we can be self-reliant,” said Mgeni.

Eight students drawn from the four Sub-counties in the county were trained.

Catalyste+ is a Canadian economic development organization that helps people to build better lives by strengthening local economies in Canada and developing countries around the world.

By Michael Oduor

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