Taita Taveta gives 100 students Ksh12M scholarships to join Form One

Governor Mwadime and his deputy Christine Kilalo present a dummy cheque for Ksh12 million for needy students joining Form One.

Taita Taveta County Governor Andrew Mwadime has issued scholarship cheques worth Ksh12 million to 100 students joining Form One.

Speaking at Taita Academy grounds in Mwatate Sub-county while issuing the cheques, Mwadime called on the government to increase its allocation to the county, which he said has a small allocation that cannot support most programmes.

He said that accessing education has become expensive to the less privileged, forcing many to cut short their studies.

According to the governor, a high number of applications were received but due to limited financial resources, only 100 were selected.

ECDE teachers are issued with letters confirming them as permanent and pensionable during the scholarship ceremony.

He urged parents to take up their responsibility of giving moral support and guiding behaviour, besides providing their children basic needs.

“When parents see the government take their child on a scholarship, they forget their duties. Some even fail to provide them with transport to school,” said the governor.

His sentiments were echoed by Deputy Governor Christine Kilalo, who urged parents to keep supporting their children and revealed that there are more bursaries on the way.

“We have quite a big number who applied for the scholarship. We really wished we could take all of you but because of financial constraints, we had to take the few we have here. However, we have bursaries and scholarships from NG-CDF that are still on. Let’s apply,” said Kilalo.

Apart from school fees, students were given uniform, blankets, mattresses, shoes and metal boxes as part of the scholarship.

A total of 671 students have so far benefitted from the scholarship programme since inception.

In the same event, the governor confirmed 150 ECDE teachers and 60 VTC instructors on Permanent and Pensionable (P&P) terms.

By Michael Oduor


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