Taita Taveta, Ajira Digital ink deal to train youth on digital skills

Taita Taveta CECM for Education, Libraries and VTCs Gloria Monikombo addressing youth during the training in Voi.

Taita Taveta County and the Ajira Digital Program have partnered to train the youth on digital skills to narrow the digital gap in the county and harness online job opportunities which will help them to earn a living and boost their economic status.

Speaking at a two-day skilling session held in Voi on Thursday, the County Executive Committee Member (CECM) for Education, Libraries and VTCs Gloria Monikombo lauded the national government for the Ajira initiative which she said was timely in the wake of the digital era.

“The skills acquired during this training hold the potential to bolster course enrollment in TVETs and income generation among youth, we thus call upon them to enroll for the programme and learn how they can sustain themselves through digital skills,” she said.

One of the youth explains to the Director of VTCs in Taita Taveta County, Raphael Chola, how to navigate a social media application.

The CECM added that the collaboration is also geared towards delivering comprehensive digital training to instructors and managers from various VTCs across the county.

Accompanying the CECM, the Director of VTCs in the County Raphael Chola urged the Ajira team to extend the training to all 31 VTCs in the county to accommodate more youth.

“Youth in Taita Taveta and the country at large have all it takes to change their lives. The major challenge they have is a lack of adequate skill and technical know-how. This programme gives them wings to utilize the power of the internet and social media platforms to gain economic independence,” he said.

An Ajira Digital trainer explains a concept to one of the trainees.

Chola said that incorporating digital skills into VTCs will go a long way in ensuring that the graduates are not only sorted for their hands-on skills but also their ability to blend their hands-on skills with ICT skills, which will place them in a better position to earn a living.

The Director noted that the students will acquire a range of practical skills in Networking, Cybersecurity, Coding, and Relational Databases.

“We encourage our youth to use the skills acquired to venture into content creation and monetize their talents,” he said.

The training sessions were conducted by the Ajira team led by Centre Managers Salie Ooko and Vinnet Mao alongside Trainer James.

By Michael Oduor | oduormichael2021@gmail.com

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