Support boy-child, youth group urges

By Obegi Malack

National and County governments have been challenged to put more effort in programmes supporting the boy-child.
Sauti ya Vijana Organisation Secretary Joyce Thairu said the National and County governments have concentrated on girl-child thus ignoring the boys.
Thairu was speaking during a boy mentorship workshop held at Ngong’s PCEA Enchoro Emmuny attended by more than a thousand boys from surrounding primary schools in Kajiado North Sub County.
She said the workshop is held each year during which the boys are taken through cleanliness matters, drug abuse issues among other matters beneficial to their positive development.
“Most schools in the country have no mentorship programme for boys and most teachers are ladies,” she said and urged the Government to employ more male teachers to fill the gap. It should also lower marks to attract men to teaching courses, she noted.
“I saw a gap, the boy-child has been left out, we need to encourage and support all our children; this will ensure that they are in same level,” she said.
School administrators should also allow professionals in school to teach the boys on better ways of living.
Drug abuse has been reported in most schools and most boys end up in streets due to lack of mentorship programme. Mentorship programmes will drastically reduce such cases besides improving performance of boys in education, she added.

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