Students should make career choices based on values

By Victor Ochieng’

Values are the underlying principles and standards of behaviour that help people to pick their priorities in life. Values influence how people make choices in this hallowed hotel called earth. Values also influence people’s purposes and pursuits – the choice of friends, work place, work-related interactions, activities of engagement, charity to participate in, and the place of worship.

Career choices made without consideration of values only influence the head, but careers anchored on values influence the heart to a great extent. Roy Disney sagely said, “It is not hard to make decisions when you know what your values are.”

A student with a clear concept of values will ask value-based questions before choosing careers. These quality questions may include: Which sort of industry or company should I work for in future? How far should I compromise to get a job or promotion? Should I opt for employment or entrepreneurship? Should I seek a job that offers more money now or prioritise a job that offers exhilarating experience and in-depth training? How important is it for me to follow traditions like working for the family business? Whom do I owe greater loyalty to – the boss or the company I work for? What work-related shortcuts can I live with without feeling stressed?

On career choices and values, if you value being close to your family, but secure a job that consumes most of your time, you will be very unhappy in life. If you have high ethical standards but end up working in an organisation known for kickbacks and taking shortcuts, this may leave you stranded and stressed. If you value being creative and innovative, but find yourself in an environment that discourages novelty and new ideas, you will fail to fit in the system.

Plenty of values people uphold were either taught or demonstrated to them at childhood. Therefore, values evolve from the colourful cocktail of one’s background, experiences and teachings. Again, values help people make the right choices in life. You must have heard this the umpteenth time: People are born without choice, but live by choice. Destiny is a matter of choice, not chance. Choices have consequences. Making choices is not an optional thing per se. People constantly make choices that affect them and others close to them. Those who refuse to make choices, somehow give others the chance to do it for them.

Furthermore, without values to offer good guidance, it is difficult to choose wisely and stick to the course of action that is relevant and right. To bring you into swift understanding of the importance of values in career choices, integrity is the most preponderant value for a successful life. By and large, integrity is being true to oneself and being able to act accordingly. Those who value integrity walk the talk. They also do the right thing for the right reasons regardless of the circumstances they are trapped in. The prime principle of integrity helps people to study two imperfect choices and to go for the least-worst if need be. The value of integrity aids people to walk heads held high as they justify their strong stances and choices in life. In the whole scheme of things, when the choices made, prop up values people love and cherish, there is ultimate flight into cloud nine. It entices fulfilment and contentment. Conversely, when the two – choices and values – decide to divorce, the happening hampers happiness and pilfers peace of mind.

Before I conclude, perhaps it is important to cite some values worth giving consideration on this side of eternity. Someone can value accuracy – the priority to pay attention to details. Those who value piety, choose jobs that are in tandem with their religious conviction. Values of teamwork drive people to tap energy from synergy. Those who love knowledge settle on careers that cause them gather fantastic facts. There is adventure – focused on getting exciting challenges and ready to take risks. Some people value beauty – being in a place replete and complete with pulchritude or if you like – being prone to aesthetics – things that are attractive in their entirety and totality. There is also efficiency, which is the ability to finish tasks using the best methods possible. When people value justice and fairness, they will ensure that everyone gets a fair share of the opportunity. The value of generosity compels people to express love and largesse towards others. When people value peace, they will always avoid circumstances that conjure conflict.

The writer rolls out career talks and training services to students and the teaching fraternity.

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