Students should accept schools they have been placed in

Victor Ochieng'

Last week, the Cabinet Secretary for Education Ezekiel Machogu released the 2024 Form One placements at Lenana School in Nairobi. He also announced that the newcomers should start reporting to secondary schools from January 15, 2024.

Somehow, in the 2024 Form One placements, 9 per cent of learners failed to get space in their schools of choice, the CS intimating that some students missed their dream schools due to shortage of places in 7 counties: Nairobi, Kwale, Narok, Kilifi, Mombasa, Kajiado and Isiolo.

The Form One placements took place when the outcome of an audit into KCPE results irregularities was still obscure.

Indeed, missing the dream school is painful. However, those who missed their schools of choice should know that places do not make people, but people make places.

When builders were setting up structures in crème de la crème schools, they did not do so on a land lush with many acres of diamond. They were not constructed using bricks made of gold and diamond. Instead, the construction took place on average land using normal building materials. Then, afterwards, students streamed in to make those schools great.

Perhaps, in retrospect, parents who look disillusioned because their children missed their dream schools should press pause button, accept the situation, then help their children understand that they can blossom in any place. Like Joseph son of Jacob, they can blossom anywhere and everywhere. Students can climb, reach and touch the crest of great achievement. They can attain peak performance in any place, not just in palaces.

In case you have a tinge of doubt, then think of a student called Josphat Mwangi Kamau. He joined Mioro Day Secondary School in Murang’a County with 278 out of 500 marks. He had the wild will to win. Then, wisps of wind blew beneath his wings.

When he sat KCSE in 2018, he scooped an A- (minus).

The then Education CS Ambassador Amina Mohamed lauded Kamau as the most improved student in the 2018 KCSE. He was later to join University of Nairobi to do Engineering.

With the right mindset, students can shine like stars in any school. What is important is to understand that attitude happens to be the foundation of success.

Consider this classic case. The Calgary Towers stands at 190.8 metres. The total weight of the tower is 10,884 tons, of which 6,349 is below the ground.

What is the meaning of this? Some of the biggest buildings that grace this globe have the strongest foundations. Just as the big buildings, success in any sphere of life depends on the foundation. Attitude is the foundation of success.

Zig Ziglar put it aptly, “It is your attitude, not aptitude that determines your altitude.”

Aptitude is talent, or the natural ability to do things. Altitude in this context is the height worth attainment.

This is the gist of the matter: Children poised to join high school should be prepared to start strong. Begin. Learn. Win. They should be excited about it, accept and explore the new level.

They should think about success, adhere to rules and regulations, choose friends wisely, overcome negative peer pressure, cultivate useful study skills, and always remember that challenges in high school are not like the ones in primary school.

Finally, Pre-Form Ones should have ample preparation for the exhilarating high school experience. They should not forget that there will be challenges like possible change of diet, change of weather, culture shock, many subjects, large classes and different style(s) of teaching. There will be a challenge in handling pocket money, and there will be no multiple-choice exams.

By Victor Ochieng’

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The writer rolls out Form One Plug-in programmes in secondary schools. 0704420232

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