Student nursing injuries after being attacked by ex-husband

Nafula Mwasame at Elgon View Hospital. Photo /Tony Wafula

By Tony Wafula

A student of Kisiwa Technical Training Institute in Bungoma County is nursing knife wounds after she was allegedly attacked by her ex-husband. 

Nafula Mwasame said she was stabbed with a knife in the back by Peter Juma, a man with whom she had lived with for some time.

Speaking to Education News, Mwasame said she was attacked at 8 pm in her house by Juma from whom she separated two years ago.

”It was at around 8pm. I had gone out to check on my neighbour. On coming back, I found him seated in the house. I did not know that he had a knife in his pocket. He demanded to see the children before he stabbed me once in the back and ran away,” she said.

Mwasame said the man had not communicated to her beforehand about the visit.

”I disagreed with him two years ago and we have not been communicating. I wonder why he came to attack me in my house,” she said.

Mwasame added that she decided to end their marriage and went back to her parents after the man threatened to kill her.

Mwasame’s mother said she had spotted her former son-in-law around her home but he did not talk to her.

”In the evening, I received a call from a college tutor that my daughter had been attacked,” said Rose Mwasame.

Deputy Nurse-In-charge at the Elgon View Hospital Odi Bachemu said they received the patient in poor condition but was now stable.

“The knife was removed and she is now in a stable condition,” Bachemu said.

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