Stop using students during campaigns, politicians warned

By Andanje Wakhungu

Manda/Shivanga ward County Assembly candidate David Kivishi has warned politicians against involving youths especially school going children in their campaigns to cause mayhem.

Speaking in his ward after several incidences of violence unleashed by youth on rival aspirants and their supporters, Kivishi who is the only youthful contender in the ward called on the authorities to take action against such politicians who use the youth for political leverage.

“I’m calling on the relevant security apparatus to take note that as election date nears, cases of violence involving young people have become rampant where a clique of politicians entice them with alcohol and other drugs to disrupt and attack their opponents in the name of campaigning,” he said

While campaigning for the ward’s seat, he pointed out that education standards in the ward were at its lowest with escalating teenage pregnancies leading to high levels of school dropouts.

“Within Kakamega county, Manda/Shivanga ward has been listed as being on the frontline in early pregnancies and school dropout rate. I want to go to the county assembly to change this by ensuring that education standards are improved and those early mothers are taken back to school,” remarked Kivishi.

He also promised to improve the road network and put up bridges to assist school going children reach school with ease.

“I have been constructing bridges and this has impacted the society well thus giving me the push to vie for the county assembly position to fully represent them and bring the much needed development closer to the people.

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