Stop deducting NSSF, NHIF from our salary, Teachers ask TSC


Kenya union of post primary education teachers (KUPPET) in Makueni County has expressed its disappointment over the newly introduced NSSF deductions to teachers of this country and general workers.

Led by their Kuppet Executive secretary in Makueni County Justus Kimeu, they alluded that  teachers were financially overwhelmed.

Kimeu said teachers were in the public service superannuation (PSSS) scheme and were not supposed to be deducted the Widows and children’s pension scheme(WCPS) or the NSSF.

“Teachers were surprised in the beginning of this month to find deductions of NSSF from their payslips,” Kimeu Said.

The union called upon the government to stop this deductions and kindly refund that money to teachers and the other workers in the country.

He said the act that introduced public service superannuation scheme and the one that introduced NSSF were contradictory.

The unionists urged their national office to go to the constitutional court and get interpretation of the two acts of Parliament.

He also called upon members of Parliament to introduce amendments of these two acts so that they can be harmonized and have workers of this country deducted only for one scheme.

“Save the workers of this country by amending these acts. Teachers are suffering double deductions in the health scheme with NHIF and the AON Minet comprehensive cover,” he added.

By Lydia Ngoolo

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