Stakeholders raise alarm over rampant drug abuse among youth

By John Majau

Stakeholders in Meru County have raised concern over the prevalence of drug abuse among youth in the area.

According to James Kinyua, a campaigner against drug abuse and trafficking, the usage and spread of narcotics has increased because security checks are no longer effective.

“Just as foreigners sneak into the country through the Marsabit route, drugs are also easily trafficked in and we are asking security forces to be more vigilant because the youth are at risk,” he said.

The Youth against Drug Abuse (YaDA) organisation has launched a programme to address the plight of victims, even as it urged other stakeholders like security personnel and rehabilitation centres to play their part.

YaDA president Dennis Kiama, who is a prison officer at GK Meru Prison, said the organization launched a sensitization campaign targeting the youth including those in learning institutions.

The interventions include educating the youth about the perils of falling prey to drug peddlers whose sole motivation is making a financial killing.

Speaking at Mwanganthia in Central Imenti sub county during his campaign, Kiama, who is a reformed drug addict, spoke of the suffering he endured and the pain he caused his family and friends.

“Drug abuse affects your entire life; work, relationships and health. Having survived it myself, I made it my responsibility to teach as many youth as possible about its harmful effects.” He said.

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