Stakeholders in Turkana urged to double efforts against child labour

Education and labour stakeholders in Turkana County have been challenged to take a proactive role in protecting children’s rights to enable them pursue education.

Speaking in Loima sub-county during the celebration to commemorate the Day of the African Child, Turkana County Children’s Officer Mr. Obewa decried many distractions, key among them poverty and cultural practices such as early marriages and herding livestock.

He noted that evolution of digital technology has presented a new frontier on threats facing children’s rights.

“The whole issue of protecting children’s rights calls for a collective approach for us to succeed. I call upon all stakeholders to play their part to ensure that children go to school. Digital evolution causes a threat as cyber bullies target children hence derailing their education,” he remarked.

County Labour Officer Timothy Kipruto echoed the sentiments and encouraged local administrators to help in identifying non-school going children in a bid to ensure all children attend school.

He raised concern on increased child labour incidences in the county citing mining and fishing as sectors notorious in engaging children.

The Day of the African Child is celebrated on June 16 every year to promote children’s rights and take stock of efforts being made to protect and promote rights and welfare of children across Africa.

The day was ratified by then OAU (African Union) in 1991 to honour children who participated in the Soweto Uprising against apartheid in South Africa.

By Philemon Kiprop

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