Stakeholders in Nakuru advised to promote girl-child education

Nakuru County Director of Education Victoria Mulili

Nakuru County Director of Education Victoria Mulili has asked all Education stakeholders in the County to advocate for education of girl child education in order to abolish early pregnancy and school dropout among school girls.

Mulili said cases of teenage pregnancy and school dropout, among school girls have increase in the County raising much concern from everybody and all measures from all State agencies should be put in place to stop the vice and give girls child opportunity to continue with her education without any obstacles.

“We are very concerned about these vice and the Ministry of Education (MoE) is cooperating with The Ministry of Interior to ensure all perpetrators are arrested and prosecuted in the court of law,” said Mulili.

The Director reaffirms that the responsibility of the Ministryof Education is to ensure every children should go to school according to the calender of education and acquire knowledge which is a Basic Right eshrined in the Constitution of Kenya.

She added that they will not allow any person to destroy the future of girls by misusing them in a negative way.


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She also strongly warned some parents who are fond of defending perpetrators who impregnate school girls as she said that the government will not allow that even if it is biological parents of the affected girls to destroy the academic progression of the girls.

Mulili said that it is unfortunate that some perpetrators are close relatives of the school girls like uncles and brothers as she said that family members should play a core role of protecting the girls and enable them study without any distructions from any body.

“We expect all family members of the girls to always protect them through the perpetrators of sexual violation so that girls can study and become important people in the society and that can only happen if then are given condusive environment free of sexual harassment,” said Mulili.

She told mothers to always be close to their daughters and safeguard them from any person who want to destroy their future by involving in destructive behaviours.

The Director said cases of sexual harassment among school girls is rampant in the county especially Kuresoi North, Kuresoi South and Naivasha sub-counties.

She also asked all parents and guardians to provide basic needs to school children so that they do not find themselves in the hands of bad people.

“Parents should know that it is their core responsibility to provide all necessary basic needs to girls including sanitary towels, uniforms and learning materials so that they will not be trapped by bad people,” said Mulili.

Director warned bodaboda operators against involving in acts of destroying the future of school girls that they will be arrested and prosecuted.

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By Peter Otuoro

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