Stakeholders decry high drug abuse among students

By Cally Imbayi

Residents and opinion leaders from Isukha South ward, Shinyalu Constituency in Kakamega County have attributed rampant school dropout and poor performance to the high intake of drugs and alcohol and bodaboda transport business in the area.

Speaking during the Shinyalu NG-CDF public participation organized by Shinyalu Member of Parliament Hon. Fred Ikana, the leaders called on security agencies to be vigilant and to crack the whip on drug and alcohol vendors to save the young generation.

They reiterated that the current generation is headed for destruction if the government through its security agents doesn’t fight against drug and alcohol abuse.

“Children as young as those in grades three and four are consuming drugs,” said Elphas Muhambe, a retired teacher and education director.

He went on to add that most learners also drop out of school to engage in the boda boda business to get money.

“The government needs to put an age limit to those who want to engage in the boda boda business.  Children should finish school first before deciding whether or not they want to do bodaboda business,” he said.

Madam Deociana Ahindukha, a former Principal and Teachers Service Commission director, noted with concern that insecurity has increased due to school dropouts in the area and appealed to parents to ensure their children go to school and receive the requisite education to help build their future.

She stated that the current education system requires the full involvement of parents and that parents should not abscond their duties to teachers.

“Poor performance by students should not be blamed on teachers alone but also on parents who should be part of the education development of their children,” she said.

Shinyalu MP Ikana said he will prioritize education in the constituency and ensure that children get the required education to make them competitive in the job markets.

“We want to ensure that all children go to school and we will support this by issuing bursaries and scholarships to those in need. I will also liaise with TSC to have more teachers hired in our schools in order to balance the ratio of teachers to learners.” The legislator said.

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