Stakeholders agree on measures to ensure safety of learners in schools


Education stakeholders in Baringo county have agreed to put in place measures that will ensure safety and security of learners in schools in line with the Basic Education Regulations 2015.

Speaking during a stakeholders meeting attended by the county’s security team, health department, head teachers and county government officials, County Director of Education Japheth Masibo urged leaders to work towards ensuring the security and safety of learners.

He urged school heads to monitor the learners under their care to avert indiscipline cases that lead to issues such as strikes and drug abuse.

“Build a rapport with learners through dialogue and embrace openness and sociability,’’ said Masibo, further adding that drug abuse is the greatest cause of unruly activities in schools

He noted with concern that most learners are introduced into drug consumption at an early age and challenged parents and teachers to be role models and remain on the forefront in educating the teenagers on the dangers of drug abuse.

Masibo assured school heads that the Ministry of Education is committed to coming up with a proper action plan that will curtail hazards like fire incidences and enhance good sanitation in schools.

He asked teachers to desist from corporal punishment since it is banned.

By Alfred Kimosop

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