Kisii: Ndonyo, Kerongori, Nyabigena shine in county school games

St. Joseph’s High School Nyabigena will represent Kisii County at the Regional level in football after beating Omwari High School in a hotly contested match.

The teams finished the first half with a tie but in the second half, David Otuke from St. Joseph’s licked the back Omwari’s goal net with the only winning goal.

This year’s games were hosted in Gucha South sub-county at Nduru Boys and Girls Secondary schools; and Primary School while sports took place at Nyamarambe stadium.

According to the County Secondary Schools Sports Association Chairman Fred Mogaka, this year’s games saw many newcomers participate and win at the county level.

During the hotly contested matches, St. Peters Keberesi from Kenyenya sub-county lost to their archrivals Ndonyo Mixed Secondary School from Gucha South at 23-25.

Ndonyo Secondary School head coach Jared Nyaundi said they employed a well calculated move for them to beat their rivals.

St Peters Keberesi High School head coach Rambui accepted defeat but was satisfied with her team’s high standard of discipline and coordination.

Kerongori Secondary School Girls soccer team retained their title by defeating Ndonyo Girls 2 nil.

The school Coach Walter Ontweka attributed the win to the continued support from Principal Dr. Nyamoko who he said was a keen activist of sports as one of the integral parts in education development.

“We came to complete our style but not to compete that is why we accept the defeat for now and wait for another season to recover,” she said.

Table tennis dominated in indoor sports where Joan Achieng’ and Gladys Gati of Kenyenya and Mokubo Secondary School respectively carried the day by trouncing Janet Makori and Callen Obare of Kereri High School.

Speaking to teachers, students and residents at Nduru Secondary School during the games, the County Director of Education (CDE) Philip Chirchir urged teachers to tap on students’ talents through diversification of sports training.

He underscored the importance of sports in development and growth of students.

In a speech read on his behalf by Kenyenya Sub County Director of Education (SCDE) George Ouma, Chirchir told teachers to monitor the development of each child individually because each of them are unique.

“These youth put in your custody have a lot of potential that needs to be harnessed with a lot of care to benefit them in the future,” he said.

The CDE said that the region has a history of producing great sportsmen such as Nyantika Maiyoro, Naftali Temu, Henry Motego and Henry Nyandoro; and appealed to the students to emulate them and boost sports standards in the region.

The winning teams will proceed to Maranda National School in Siaya County for the Regional Championship scheduled to start on July 2, 2023.

By Enock Okong’o

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