South Rift teachers displeased by calling off of strike

KUPPET Kericho Executive Secretary Mary Rotich flanked by Chairperson Jonah Korir addressing the press recently.

Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers (KUPPET) branch officials in the South Rift have castigated the Union’s top leadership for un-procedurally calling off the teachers’ strike.

Bomet branch Executive Secretary Paul Kimetto claimed that the agreed upon back-to-work formula was empty and not different from the previous ones.

Addressing the press, he noted that the issues announced by Secretary General Akello Misori were not discussed by the National Governing Council (NGC) and were his own.

“What was the need for a strike if it can just be called off without a substantive agreement? What Misori told us are the same things we have heard over the years. As the Bomet Executive Secretary I am totally displeased,” he said.

According to him the NGC, which is mandated to announce or call off a strike, did not get any communication concerning the announcement by Misori.

Kimetto observed that the union had acquired a permit to carry out demonstrations in Bomet town tomorrow, adding that promotions, medical cover, the contentious Career Progression Guideline as well as the hiring of 46,000 JSS teachers were among issues that remained unresolved.


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“We have got a permit from the OCS to hold demonstrations tomorrow, Wednesday, starting 9:00am to 12:00pm,” he said.

His Kericho counterpart Mary Rotich accused Misori of betrayal, stating that teachers were ready to fund strikes and remain out of work for as long as it takes.

“Misori has betrayed teachers. Our teachers were ready to strike for as long as it takes. As a Union, we demand that the Career Progressive Guideline, where a teacher remains in the same group for over 15 years must be addressed. This is not marriage,” added Rotich.

While calling off the strike yesterday, Misori announced that the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) had agreed to address the issues raised by teachers.

By Kimutai Langat

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