Sorry state of infrastructure alarms County schools

Chuka land

By John Majau

A spot check of schools in Tharaka-Nithi County reveals that many of them are in pathetic conditions and in dire need of renovation or upgrading in a bid to provide a conducive learning environment to the children.
Despite the National Government setting aside millions of shillings for infrastructure, several schools are in a deplorable state.
Last week, parents with pupils at Kauni Primary School in Maara Constituency demonstrated and withdrew their children protesting the bad state of latrines and classes.
The few latrines in the school have no doors and the floor has several openings posing a big risk to the pupils using them.
Classes in Kamujwa Primary School in Tharaka and Kairini in Chuka/Igambang’ombe constituencies have mud walls.
Speaking in a recent education forum at Chuka Boys’ High School, Chuka/Igambang’ombe Constituency, MP Patrick Munene promised to allocate funds for improvement of school infrastructure.
“I want to make sure that in the next five years, there will be no single mud-walled class in my constituency,” said the MP.
Governor Muthomi Njuki is also in the process of building permanent classrooms for Early Childhood Development Education (ECDE) centres.

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