Sombre mood as 11-year-old girl drowns in Makueni

By Lydia Ngoolo 

A sombre mood engulfed Kawala village in Makueni County after a eleven-year-old girl drowned in Kikuu River.

Kawala chief Nicodemus Masila said the deceased was a pupil at Ndovea Primary school.

The said pupil had gone to witness her fellow pupils swimming when she fell and drowned in the river.

The body was retrieved by the chief assisted by the public. Police took the body to Kilome Nursing Home Hospital and Mortuary.

This comes as some Makueni County unionists called upon parents to monitor their children especially during this long holiday and rainy season.

They cautioned them to tell the young ones they dangers of playing in stagnant, moving and all types of waters. 

It has been witnessed severally that many drowning cases occur when the children are on holidays.

Though death was inevitable, the unionists said some could be prevented.

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