Six MPs’ spouses unite to distribute sanitary towels to unprivileged girls

sanitary towels donation
Yatta MP's spouse Jackline Basil distributes sanitary pads to Mukalala Secondary School girls. Photo by Stephen Muthini.

Six spouses of Members of Parliament (MPs) have come together in a sanitary towel donation drive meant to ensure girls stay in school and continue with their studies even during their periods.

Led by Jackline Basil from Yatta constituency, Faith Musyoka (Mwala), Evelyn Makau (Mavoko), Beatrice Mutiso (Machakos Town) Pauline Mutinda (Matungulu), Hellen Nguna (Mwingi), Jane Mbui (Kathiani) and Yatta CDF Chairlady Josephine Munyalo donated sanitary pads to over 150 girls at AIC Mukalala Girls Secondary School in Matuu, Yatta sub-county.

Basil said that many girls skipped school due to a lack of the basic hygiene products adding that the initiative targets to bring on board more education stakeholders and well-wishers to support the initiative so as to ensure 100 percent class attendance by all students

The girls were also educated on Hygiene and Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs).

Basil noted with concern the rising cases of teenage pregnancies among schoolgirls, a situation which she said needed collaborative efforts among stakeholders to mitigate.

The spouses challenged parents to make efforts to ensure the regular provision of sanitary pads throughout their daughters’ stay in school.

“When the underprivileged girls cannot afford sanitary pads, they miss classes and turn to young men for provision but end up impregnating them,” she said.

School Principal Mr. Koti thanked the ladies for the initiative saying that the provision of sanitary pads to the girls was vital in ensuring they excel academically.

By Stephen Muthini

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