Significance of learners’ participation in Inter school Competitions

inter school competitions

There is nonpareil enthusiasm characterizing school competitions, the apex of which is the crowning of national champions who represent the country at regional and continental levels.

Learners’ desires to partake in these activities shouldn’t be extinguished for whichever reason.

Relevant stakeholders must do all it takes to facilitate learners’ participation in sports, drama, music, etc.

At a time when job opportunities are speedily declining, a degree no longer a guarantee of employment while musicians and sport personalities are reaping millions from single performances and field appearances, talent must be allowed to bloom.

Schools can be the country’s talent hubs to make up for the deficient sports academies. There is always that teacher who is willing to nurture a school team – football, rugby, athletics, etc.

Another teacher may be into mentoring music and drama clubs from which to get future musicians and actors.

The momentous football spark of Michael Olunga was ignited at Upper Hill High School. Victor Wanyama’s impeccable dribbling skills manifested at Kamukunji High School.

The Cabinet Secretary for ICT Hon. Eliud Owalo a while ago shared a video of a schoolboy from Kisii exhibiting impeccable football commentary talent.

I am cocksure there are innumerable schoolboys and girls with such talents but lack a platform to showcase them.

Significantly, early mentorship will result in a profound workforce in future. In mentorship programmes, these kids will be taught about stage-fright management and developing a positive self-image so that they can confidently face an audience.

During sports, drama and music festivals, performance in front of fellow learners enhances the aforesaid traits bigtime.

A round of applause from fellow learners during interschool competitions will definitely stir the urge to become bigger and better.

From such football commentaries and lip synching, many are raking in millions from endorsements.

In their reminiscent anecdotes, these superstars will fondly recount how their talents manifested during school competitions.

Notably, we cannot understate the social significance of such congregations.  Many of us met and made friends during interschool congregations who became worthwhile after school – job connections, business partners, marriage partners and significant social circles

By Wornicks Gisemba
About the writer:
Wornicks Gisemba is a teacher of English at Nkoile Boys High School, Kajiado Central. He is
also an author and editor.

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