Siaya Woman Rep allocates Ksh. 4.5M to construction of school boreholes

Siaya Woman representative Dr. Christine Ombaka when she commissioned the Sifuyo Secondary school water project.

The office of Siaya Woman Representative, Dr. Christine Ombaka, has allocated Ksh. 4.5 million for the construction of water boreholes in three schools across the county through the National Government Affirmative Action Fund (NGAAF).

In an exclusive interview with Education News, Dr. Ombaka emphasized the importance of providing a steady supply of water to keep students engaged in their studies.

“Bar Sauri Secondary School in Gem Sub-county, Kawino Primary School in Rarieda Sub-county, and Sifuyo Secondary School in Ugenya Sub-county stand as the initial beneficiaries of this ambitious project,” she stated.

Dr. Ombaka highlighted the historical water supply disparities faced by learners in the region and pledged relentless efforts to advocate for additional water projects benefiting schools and local communities.

Additionally, she cited the construction of three libraries and several dormitories across the county, as part of her commitment to uplifting educational standards in Siaya.

The newly constructed libraries are located at Nyasanda Secondary School in Ugunja constituency, Ulumbi Primary School, and Ndere Primary School, both in Gem constituency.

She further cited the three new dormitories established at Kapiyo Secondary School in Bondo constituency, Mirando Mixed Secondary School in Rarieda constituency, and another in Alego/Usonga constituency.

By Jared Opiyo

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