Siaya VTC managers threaten to go on strike

Graduands during a past graduation ceremony./ File photo

Managers of Vocational Training Centers (VTC) in Siaya County are threatening to shut down the institutions for lack of resources.

They faulted the County Government of Siaya for failing to remit funds to the institutions a thing which has seen most of them end up with unpaid bills.

Through their caucus, they are threatening not to open the institutions for the third term as running of the institutions has proven to be though without cash.

“Capitation money never comes from the county, in fact, it’s in paper form but doesn’t reach the institutions as required,

“The county is supposed to give Ksh15, 000 capitation to trainees like the national government was offering, what they offered was a mere Ksh6, 000 for the financial year 2022/2023 and recently sent to the VTCs a flat rate of Ksh100, 000 for the whole year which is very sad considering what is needed to run the institutions,” said a worried Manager.


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The caucus regretted at the dire understaffing across the 30 VTCs in the county noting that only 24 trainers have been employed by the county government since the advent of devolution.

“We have a total of 352 instructors across our centers, of these, the county employed staff are only 24 who are also playing the role of managers meaning a huge chunk of 328 have been left under the care of Board of Governors who are also largely incompetent individuals who cannot help the managers in making crucial decisions,” noted an administrator who sought anonymity for fear of victimization.

By Erick Nyayiera

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