Siaya residents up in arms against alleged defilement of girl by Assistant Chief

By Erick Nyayiera

Residents of Kokwri Sub Location in Rarieda Sub County demonstrated against their Assistant Chief Mr David Opola Ongoro over his alleged defilement of a seventeen year old girl.

Angry residents held demonstrations at District County Commissioner Mr. Bosek Langat’s offices demanding an explanation why the suspect had not been arrested yet the incident was reported at Aram Police Station five days ago.

Led by spokesperson Kennedy Otieno, agitated residents said the girl was allegedly defiled on the night of 4th January 2020 and taken to Madiany Sub County hospital by a good Samaritan before the alleged crime was reported to the police the following day.

Otieno said despite the report, no action has been taken against the administrator and they are now suspecting foul play by some big people at the Sub County to help him escape justice.

Another demonstrator Oscar Dienge disclosed that the suspect was issuing threats to those following up the matter and wondered why a defilement suspect can be left to roam scot free and threaten members of the public.

Dienge claimed that the suspect was in 2016 accused of committing a similar offence but the matter was settled locally.

The minor’s parents are now crying for justice for their daughter saying the alleged assailant and his immediate boss had asked them to go slow on the matter.

The defiled form two girl described how on the night of 4th January 2020 they were walking home with a friend when three men waylaid them.

She said the assistant chief who she knows held and handcuffed her, then walked with her to his office where she was defiled twice without any protection.

“My friend and I tried to run when we met the three men but I fell down and my friend escaped, Opola held me and called me by my father’s name and told the two remaining men to leave us alone”, claimed the girl.

She claimed that at the office, he asked her to remove her clothes and threatened to kill her before she submitted and told him to do whatever he dimmed fit but he in the process tore her clothes and defiled her twice.

The Assistant Chief allegedly later called a boda boda rider known to both of them and asked him to take her girl home but suspecting what might have transpired, the rider rushed the girl to Madiany Hospital where she was given post exposure prophylaxis treatment.

The area DCC Mr Bosek who was away from office during the demonstrations confirmed through a phone call that they were aware of the matter and that the minor had already been issued with a P3 form by the police.

He however failed to explain why the suspect had not been apprehended saying they are still investigating the matter but he will face the full force of the law if he is found culpable.

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