Shun con men, Nyakongo Girls secondary parents advised

By Erick Nyayiera 

Parents of Nyakongo Girls’ Secondary school in Rarieda sub-county have been told to wary of con men who would want to obtain monies from them through fraudulent means. 

School Principal Mrs Irene Oneko Okong’o said, it has come to their attention that some con man is currently calling unsuspecting parents and members of the public telling them that the school was awarding some tenders. 

The Principal a suspected con man stole their visitors’ book at the gate of the school, and has been randomly been picking contacts of parents which he uses to defraud them.

Mrs. Okong’o who spoke to Education News stated that in order to win the confidence of the unsuspecting parents, the con man has been using the name of one of the teachers at the school. 

She said one person was conned of Sh15,000 after he was told that  he was going to be awarded a tender for the supply of maize and beans.

The Principal cautioned parents and members of the public them against giving out money to such unscrupulous people. 

Mrs Okong’o stated that the school has an official way of communicating about its tenders and advised them to report to the police anybody trying to to con them through such fraudulent means.

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