Sh700 million infrastructure boost for Siala TTI as first cohort graduates

Fredrick Odiero

Siala Technical Training Institute in Migori County has received Sh700 million from the Ministry of Education for infrastructural facelift as a total of 440 learners were being awarded with Diplomas and Certificates for various courses they have been pursuing since its inception few years back.

This was disclosed by Dr. Margaret Mwakimwa, the Principal Secretary for State Department of Technical and Vocational Training while presiding over the graduation ceremony.

Dr. Mwakima while awarding certificates to the grandaunds advised them to be role model to communities they hails from and ensure they venture into sustainable economic activities to help lift up living standards of fellow citizens.

She, however, encouraged citizens pursuing competitive courses in tertiary institutions to be smart to excel and achieve goals that will attract recognition in global job market and at the same time attract foreign exchange for faster economic progress.

The PS said tertiary institutions are offering quality trainings to enthusiastic energetic young citizens to be self-reliant not necessarily employed on white collar job but be creative to address high rate and increasing demand for employment locally and internationally.

“It will bridge the gap, engaging young people in steady livelihood source of living and will also enable people from these parts of the universe to participate effectively on international forums sharing ideas on development oriented matters,” the PS added.

Mwakima said the world is changing and adopting skills and young citizens should not be locked out not to acquire technology that will enable them fit and offer solution on matters requiring specialization.

She said that the education sector has undertaken curriculum reviews and reforms with the view of having a competence based system to enhance acquisition of the right attitudes, skills and knowledge to trainees.

The PS assured citizens that the Competency Based Education Training (CBET) is result based, industry, centered and also involves the industry in all aspects of training and implementation.

CBET has helped establish occupational standards which can be measured as well as link education and training to the skills needed by the industry

She said the government is committed to ensure quality training that will meet industrial and business demands and help in bridging the skill gap alongside addressing unemployment among youths globally.

She assured citizens that technical education has been made accessible to all primary or secondary school leavers and that this has been achieved by funding the construction of Technical Vocational Colleges in all part of the nation.

Rongo Constituency CDF also supported the construction of dining hall at the institution.

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