Sh40 million set aside for Muhoroni schools, MP reveals

The Muhoroni National Government-Constituency Development Fund has set aside over Sh40 million to construct and renovate several classrooms in the area.

MP Onyango Koyoo said the funds will be used to build at least 30 new classrooms in primary schools in the constituency.

Koyoo said the project intends to improve on infrastructure in the schools.

Koyoo said they include Pawteng primary, Muhoroni Township primary, Achego primary, Ogwodo primary, Miwani Estate primary, and Kibos Prisons primary.

Each will get three classrooms worth Sh3.6 million.

He said Ogwedhi and Ang’ongo primary will get two classrooms each costing Sh2.4 million. Koyoo said Marega,

Kango and Amilo primary schools will also get three classrooms each costing Sh3.6 million.

Besides the construction of new classrooms, Koyoo said, the NG-CDF will further renovate 14 classrooms at Chemelil Factory Primary School and Muhoroni Primary School at a cost of Sh2.4 million.

At Ngeny Special Primary School, he further said, two classrooms will be renovated at Sh498,115.

Koyoo said the Muhoroni NG-CDF committee has issued a tender notice for the construction and renovation of the classrooms in Muhoroni.

He said his aim is to enable Muhoroni to produce top lawyers, doctors, engineers, and other professionals through the sponsorships he has initiated.

Koyoo said education is one of the top priorities in his development agenda targeted at transforming the constituency.

The Mp said the NG-CDF will further buy three buses to Prof Ayiecho Obumba secondary (Ombeyi), Ngere Kagoro secondary (Masongo Nyangoma) and Oginga Odinga  Tamu secondary (Chemelil Tamu).

Fredrick Odiero

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