Sh29m to improve Nyeri polytechnics

By Asa Maina

Nyeri County Government has allocated Sh29 million for refurbishment of youth polytechnics and purchase of equipment to make them attractive and relevant to the community.
The move is meant to impact the youth joining the vocational training institutions with marketable skills according to Finance CEC Member for Robert Thuo.
Thuo said this during the presentation of the Sh7.6 billion budget statement for the financial year 2018/19 at the Nyeri County Assembly recently.
“Further, the Government takes cognizance of the fact that a strong foundation is critical in one’s development and towards this, a total of Sh35million has been provided for refurbishment of the ECDEs to make them habitable and safe,” said Thuo.
On ‘Elimu Fund’ (County Government bursary), the Government increased the amount to Sh100 million this financial year up from Sh40 million in the 2017/18 financial year.
The bursary is aimed at assisting the needy but bright learners in the community.
To ease the burden of paying school fees and other charges from parents, the CEC Member declared ECDE services in the county free.
“This will allow children to access basic education and increase the enrolment rate in these institutions at the recommended age,” he announced.
The County Government also set aside Sh1.4 million for purchase of sanitary towels to all Standard Eight girls in all public primary schools to ensure absenteeism is minimised.
The Sh7.6 billion budget will be financed through the equitable share from the National Government of Sh5 billion, conditional grant of Sh859 million, balance brought forward from the financial year 2017/18 and internally generated revenue estimated at Sh1billion.

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