Set up boarding facilities to retain learners in schools, MPs told

Retain learners

Members of Parliament from the four constituencies in  West Pokot county have been urged to use the National Government Constituency Development Funds [NG-CDF]  to set up modern boarding schools in the constituencies to help retain learners in school.

Speaking in Kapenguria, County Commissioner Apollo Okello said many children from the county are out of school, contributing to the increased participation in the outdated cultural practices that have hampered development.

He said many children from the county cannot attend school fully because of various factors and asked MPs to invest in modern boarding facilities.

“If we have at least one boarding facility in all constituencies we shall be able to retain our children in school and these few cases of insecurity we are experiencing will end,” he said.

Okello  said children who are in school cannot fully concentrate on their education due to factors like drought.

“When parents migrate in search of pastures and water during drought children are forced to abandon school and join their parents,” he said.

He also stressed the need of the county government to set up modern boarding schools along the county borders.

Okello  said education is the only future of the nation and the county and asked all stakeholders to join efforts in ensuring that the county has enough schools.

“We need to invest in boarding schools in remote areas and along our borders to help enhance peacefully coexistence with our neighbours. Education will help address insecurity since our children will stop carrying guns and engage in meaningful activities,” he said.

By Kipilat Kapusia

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