Senator promises salary increment for teachers if they elect UDA into power

By felix wanderi

Muranga Senator has said that teachers should be able to get salary increments if they rally their support behind the United Democratic Alliance (UDA)

Speaking during the 45th Annual General Meeting of Mentor Sacco in Mumbi grounds, Muranga town on Saturday, Senator Irungu Kangata said that once the teachers elect in the United Democratic Alliance (UDA) Party to form government, the issue of salary increment would be considered and be put as a priority.

“Once you elect the UDA party, we are supposed to consider the Collective Bargaining Agreement that was done last time for the teachers. If I give you Sh100 after four years it should not stagnate since costs of living will have gone up like petrol and also bread. It is our position as a party the CBA is supposed at least to beat inflation rate and therefore the teachers if they put us in power we will consider the teacher’s salary to be increased proportionate with the rate of implementation of inflation rate for the period of signing of CBA,” said Kangata.

Kangata said that the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) should be responsible in paying for continuous professional development for the teachers who earn little and not for the teachers to pay for themselves.

“Teachers are not supposed to pay for the continuous professional development and TSC should be the one paying just like other professionals; their governing body is the one that pays for even those who earn little in the profession,” said Kangata.

The legislator who is also eyeing to run for Muranga gubernatorial seat called upon Muranga people come general election day on 9th August this year to elect a governor who embraces justice and one who is not surrounded by cartels.

“Muranga People should elect a just Governor who will consider money allocated to the county part of it to be put into Saccos. Out of Sh10 billion that comes into Muranga County coffers, none of it goes to the Saccos. If you want to ensure that there is liquidity in the Saccos even though the CBK has rules on where the county money can be banked, we need to consider the best performing Saccos in a county. The Saccos are also to be giving loans with low interests,” said Kangata.

He said that once elected as the governor, he will be giving the teachers incentives so as to motivate them and ensure that teachers are empowered.

Some of the Key agendas Kangata is promising Muranga people is that he will establish a fund to insure farmers against downward fluctuations of agricultural prices. This guarantees them a constant floor price that caters for labour and inputs.

Muranga having 318,000 households as per the 2019 census, Kangata endeavors to enroll 100,000 poor households into NHIF through a transparent and open system.

He also vowed to establish a fund that caters directly to ward projects.

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