Security agencies on the spot for not arresting child defilers

By Our Correspondent

Security agencies in Gucha Sub County are on the spotlight for dragging their feet to arrest suspects following the killing of a standard five pupil in the area on suspicion of stealing a mobile phone.

According to the family, Jared Onditi who was a standard five pupil at Nyamonyo Primary school in Bomachoge chache constituency was dragged from their house around 5p.m on October 21st by neighbors who accused him for stealing a phone and tortured him which led to his demise.

His grandfather Samwel Osoro who is a mortuary attendant in Ogembo town said that the lost phone which was stolen from Rose Nyakebako who is a milk vendor in Ogembo town was later discovered in a joint where school drop-outs meet to gamble.

“Onditi was a total orphan since his father Jared Osoro and his Mother Ruth Kerubo died several years ago and I have been taking care of him ever since,” said Osoro.

The old man said that Nyakebako’s sons who had tortured the late Onditi together with another group of men carried him back home where they dumped him in the house only for him to die at midnight.

He added that the gambling games which are played along the border of Majoge Boochi at Egetuki Matongo Kerongo within Babu Riang’a residence have spoilt a number of students who steal items from homes and offer them as security when they run out of money to gamble.

The head teacher of Nyamonyo primary school Mary Mogoi confirmed that the late Onditi was learning at her school.

The area assistant chief Job Onchong’a said that the late had started associating himself with bad company who are wanted by the police and are supposed to be in approved schools.

The provincial administration and the police are yet to take action on the culprits and the body of the late is lying at Ogembo district mortuary.

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