Secondary school closed for one week after students protest

By Wasike Elvis

Arnesen’s Boys High school has been closed for one week after they held demonstrations calling for the removal of their principal over inefficiency.

The boys walked for 40 kilometers to the Ainabkoi Sub County Commissioner to air their grievances.

Speaking to the press after closing the school, Uasin Gishu County Director of Education (CDE) Harrison Muriuki said they decided to close the school after students destroyed property.

“We have decided to close down the school for one week so we can solve the issues that were raised by students and also assess the damage caused by students and do the repairs,” said the CDE.

Uasin Gishu CDE Harrison Muriuki

The issues that were raised by students include; absence of teachers, no access to the school library, insufficient toilets and water shortage among others.

“The thing is that the absent teachers had been employed by BoM and have now been employed by TSC to junior secondary,” said Muriuki.

He added: “We have also invited parents to come and witness what their children have done. Public Works officers will come and estimate the value of property destroyed so parents know the amount they will pay.”

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