Schools reopen amid drudgery reporting back

By Musyoka Kaleti

There was very little movement of students in Embu town and other small markets within the county as schools reopened yesterday.

Some parents to whom we spoke said they were still monitoring the aftermath of the general elections, saying even after the announcement of the presidential election, they were not sure whether there will be a repeat poll.

Presidential candidate Raila Odinga has since rejected the results, and said he and his political alliance will challenge it in court.

Some said they feared taking their children back to school because they were not certain of the outcome of the petition.

“We have heard some say they are moving to court. My child goes to a school in Kakamega, which is even yet to elect their governor. I feel this needs to be settled first,” said Kariuki Nyaga, a parent in Embu town.

However, others said they had no option other than take their children back to school.

“The children have lost much of their time at home and it’s high time now we focused on their education because elections are behind us,” Stephen Muturi, an Embu resident, said.

Schools were to reopen on 15th (Monday) this month but education Cabinet Secretary (CS) Prof. George Magoha extended the opening date because the presidential result had not been announced.

Even as schools reopen, some education stakeholders have raised concerns that students will have too much to cover in a short time before the national examinations.

Yesterday the CS said there will be no time extension to enable learners recover the time they have lost.

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