Schools in County face many challenges, says Director

By Achola Mathews

Many schools in Bungoma County still face infrastructural challenges despite the National Government efforts to fund development of 88 schools last year to the tune of Sh154 million.
Bungoma County Director of Education Jacob Onyiengo has said the Government has also through the Ministry of Education allocated Sh21 million for infrastructure upgrade in six schools in the area this year.
The county received Sh1.6 billion for secondary schools last year towards tuition and the supply of text books.
Speaking at Bungoma Baptist Girls’ High School during the National Dialogue on Education Quality and Learning Outcomes, Onyiengo noted more needed to be done to improve on schools facilities in the county.
He said most schools in the region lacked enough land for future expansion, adding some do not have enough playgrounds for students. He cited Makutano Primary School in Kanduyi Constituency.
The County director revealed that some school heads and Boards of Management (BOM) offered weak leadership thus crippling education progress in the area.
“Some board members have unclear vested interests in our schools particularly on tenders. The law is very clear if you want to do business in our schools; resigning from the board committee,” said Onyiengo.
He said the introduction of performance contracting has boosted schools discipline and good time management among teachers in the county.
However, he decried the high number of strikes in schools.
Bungoma Education Executive Betty Mayeku called on parents to let their children nurture their talents and acquire technical skills for self employment.
She said that the County Government has rolled out a four year scholarship programme to top performing students from needy backgrounds who joined national and extra county schools.
The county has allocated Sh220 million set out for phase two bursary.

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