Schoolgirls in Machakos advised to work hard for better future

Machakos Woman Rep Joyce Kamene (with neck scarf) holds sanitary pads with learners of Kisukioni Primary School in Matungulu Constituency, on Thursday, June 6 after she donated sanitary pads to girls. Photo: Gastone Valusi

School girls in Machakos County, have been challenged to work hard in school so as to bridge the gender gap in representation in government and other sectors.

Machakos Woman Representative Joyce Kamene said women were still under represented in the National Assembly and needed to equal men so as to have their issues heard.

She gave the example of Machakos County with eight constituencies all represented by male Members of Parliament.

Machakos Woman Rep Joyce Kamene addresses students. Photo: Gastone Valusi

Speaking on Thursday at Kisukioni Primary School in Matungulu Constituency, where she donated sanitary pads to girls, Kamene said education was the only way to empower the girls and ensure they were able to compete fairly with their male counterparts.


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“To the girls seated here I want to challenge you. I believe in equal representation. The women gender is not in the table where decisions are made. You have the potential to change this,” said Kamene.

She advised them to stay away from drugs and other vices that could ruin their education.

The Woman Rep distributed sanitary towels to over 60,000 girls in schools across the eight constituencies in Machakos County.

The programme focusing on teenage girls in Grade 5 to Grade 7 in all public schools across the county in order to enhance their menstrual health and improve school attendance.

The lawmaker said the aim was to assist girls in the county especially those from poor families who are often unable to afford the products.

Speaking during the occasion, Kisukioni Assistant County Commissioner Maryanne Wanjiru urged girls to work hard in their studies in order to achieve their dreams.

By Gastone Valusi

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