School where students solve indiscipline cases by themselves

By Leonard Angatia

When other schools were busy dealing with student unrests, one school was calm, going about its usual affairs and the learners were more focused on their studies despite the unfortunate wave wiping schools across the country.

That one school is AIC Chebisaas Boys in Uasin Gishu County.

The school Principal Albert Kosgei says that a student strike is a strange phenomenon in the institution as students have taken charge of mentoring themselves.

He said there is a robust students’ council – well trained – who help a great deal in controlling other students as they channel their concerns to the administration for proper guidance and instilling good manners and discipline.

“The open door policy has helped students to share any pressing issues which creates friendly environment putting the institution among the disciplined schools in the country.

“There is immediate response to issues raised by the students where a task force of senior management team is summoned to an urgent meeting by the principal for deliberations on how best to sort out the issues in order to better students’ welfare,” Said the Principal.

The Principal added that strengthened peer counseling is done in every class on daily basis as a way to promote cohesion.

Christian fellowship is conducted every Wednesday from 6:40 am to 7:40 am to replenish Christian doctrines and nourish values for upright upbringing among the students in the school.

The institution is divided into Sub-schools where every form has its own assembly on Fridays with their own principals.

Common assembly is only on Mondays and Wednesdays. The essence of all these is to reach out to students at an individual level and for proper coordination.

“Being a STEM school, we organize for weekend classes and embark on science subjects in terms of revision and call renowned examiners who help candidates internalize what they learn,” shared the principal.

Among other measures put in place to enhance high performance is remedial work which is given to students, specific programmes to improve in sciences and mathematics, frequent motivation to best performers and inter class competitions where best classes are awarded.

A.I.C Chebisaas Boys High School is founded on a strong Christian base with valued integrity and therefore it is “a place of light”.

Mr. Kosgei said this year’s set mean score target is 9.0. They have registered 230 KCSE candidates.

The African Inland Church sponsored school located in Moiben constituency, Uasin Gishu County managed to nick a mean score of 7.5 in the 2020 Kenya Certificate of Secondary Examinations-KCSE with a positive deviation of 0.7 against a mean score 6.8 notched in 2019.

The school has a student population of 1,165 with a four-stream form 4 class, five-stream form 2 and3 classes and six streamed form one class though its registered as a seven-stream school.

It has a total of 53 teachers, 45 of whom are employed by the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) and 8 by the Board of Management.

Last year, the school managed to send 149 out of 224 candidates to various public universities across the Country.

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