School where elections are held promptly every year under IEBC

By Lydia Ngoolo 

As Makueni Boys High School held its third students council election presided over by IEBC, the Chief Principal Raphael Diwani called upon other students to give the elected leaders enough time to serve.

Speaking at the schools’ Assembly Hall after the elections, Diwani said the elected leaders are students like any other and they needed all the time to study just like the others.

Taking pride in his school as one of the first schools in the Country to hold elections conducted by IEBC, he challenged the elected leaders to be focused and work tirelessly as they face the big task ahead of them.

He said the council had a role to play in ensuring the school attained its target mean score of 9.0 come next national examination.

“Makueni is one of the giant national schools and attaining higher mean score calls for different roles and responsibilities. Let everyone of us play their roles accordingly.” The Chief Principal said.

Some of the newly elected student leaders with Chief Principal Raphael Diwani, Deputy Principal Albert Musyimi and Makueni County Returning Officer Ibrahim Guyo.

He added the school was wired to maintain its position among the top schools in the country and encouraged all students to behave in a mature way not forgetting their academic goals.

Deputy Principal Albert Musyimi said the newly elected leaders will be trained as is the norm after elections.

 “They will be sworn in as well. We want them to practice democracy and prepare them to become democratic leaders,” Musyimi.

Makueni county IEBC Returning officer Ibrahim Guyo observed that the students are getting used to them conducting their elections.

He added that this is the third time they are presiding over elections in the school. The IEBC usually offer voter education to both teachers and students on how to conduct elections.

“The maximum time we give them to campaign is three days. Of course, this is a school and they have to study unlike outside where candidates are given months to campaign,” Guyo.

The officer observed that they have been using the school as a tallying centre and training center forIEBC officials and even accommodation since it has one of the best facilities. 

In Makueni, IEBC has conducted elections thrice at Makueni boys, once at Wote technical and twice at Unoa primary.

He called upon school heads to take advantage since they conduct it free of charge as a way of giving back to the community.

“IEBC conducting elections in schools reduces chances of strikes since teachers do not impose leaders to students. It’s an open door policy where they elect them personally and are happy about that,” Guyo.

However he noted that they have never reached to a point of repeating elections. He said when dispute arises; the school board listens and recounts are done that’s why they advise for the ballot boxes to be kept intact for some time.

The top four positions were that of students’ council Chairman which attracted four aspirants with Onesmus Sanga becoming the new overall boss with 686 votes. He was followed by John Praise Nzioka who garnered 171 votes.

Deputy Chairman Administration attracted three competitors with Alex Mwamachi securing 464 votes followed by Bruce Mwendwa with 372.

Deputy Chairman Academics had four candidates where Alex M. Gitonga got 561 and his close competitor Sergias M. Malika garnered 372.

Deputy Chairman Quality assurance attracted five competitors with Yusuf M. Ruwa garnering 468 followed by Tony M. Gideon with 395.

Immediately after being elected Chairman Onesmus Sanga thanked students for electing him.

“I call for maximum cooperation and promise to take Makueni to the next level in terms of leadership. Let us all maintain high level of discipline everywhere and in whatever we do,” Sanga.

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