School in Rarieda appeals for infrastructural improvement

By Erick Nyayiera

Parents and stakeholders of Tanga Primary School in Rarieda Sub County have appealed for help to improve their school’s infrastructure.

The school, which has posted good results in the Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) examinations over the years, produced one among top candidates in 2020, Eugyne Otieno Ochieng scored 404 of 500 marks got selected to join Ribe Boys High School.

Of the 72 candidates in last year’s exams, 36 scored 300 marks and above. The school has registered 76 candidates for this year’s exams.

School head teacher George Midega expressed concerns over the school’s infrastructure saying it needs to be fixed to guarantee the safety of the over 500 pupils and ECDE children.

“Most of the structures in this school were built in 1970 and since then nothing much has been done. Our fervent pleas to the area National Government Constituency Development Fund (NG-CDF) has not borne any meaningful fruit but we continue to plead for help,” said Midega

The school also lacks desks, adequate water tanks and has only eight teachers employed by the Teachers Service Commission (TSC).

Stakeholders have acknowledged the school for its stellar KCPE performance over the years and pleaded with the government to assist rural schools to enable them give the best quality education.

Mary Oluga, a renowned educationist and lecturer at Agha khan University presided over the school’s prize giving day and donated learning materials to top performers. She urged parents to motivate teachers who bear the biggest responsibility of ensuring schools perform well.

 “Teachers are surrogate parents who nurse children from their formative stages to when they exit to universities to choose their careers. It is very sad that when a school performs poorly, teachers are blamed,” observed Oluga.

She also supported the introduction of the Competency Based Curriculum (CBC) noting that it will be able to identify the skills and  abilities of a  child and scale them up .

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