School in Kakamega receives Ksh14M to upgrade infrastructure

Friends Lwandeti DEB Secondary School in Lugari constituency, Kakamega county received a major boost after it was awarded Ksh14 million to upgrade its infrastructure in a fundraiser that convened the region’s political top guns.

The funds which were realized through a successful funds drive organized by the area MP Nabii Nabwera and Principal Edwin Ariya, saw the school exceed its expected target of Ksh4.5 million.

Speaker of the National Assembly Moses Wetangula, who was the Guest of Honor, called on the political class to assist in the running of schools saying education was key in the nurturing of a sober generation.

“Let us practice politics of development and not division in important matters such as education. We need support our school managers as they are the ones endowed with caring for our children at school,” he said.

Health Cabinet Secretary Susan Nakhumicha reiterated that education is power and vowed to support such initiatives.

Kakamega county Woman Rep Elsie Muhanda called on parents to continue investing in the girl child’s education and also challenged girls to take education seriously to increase their chances of pursuing their careers of choice.

She stated that she will continue to support teenage mothers’ education through enrolling them back to school after delivery as well as supporting the disadvantaged ones through provision of school fees and other necessities.

Muhanda was lauded for recently donating toiletries and personal effects to Kivaywa Boys after fire razed a dormitory affecting 200 students.

Kakamega Governor Fernandes Barasa reiterated his commitment to work together with Members of Parliament (MPs) to develop education further, a core pillar in his six-point agenda.

MP Nabii Nabwera stated that education was part of his agenda in the constituency and that he will ensure schools in the constituency meet the required standards to enable a conducive environment for learning.

The school Principal Edwin Ariya hailed the convention of the political leaders despite their political affiliation and expressed joy at the amount of funds raised, assuring the leaders that the funds will be put to good use.

“Today, what has transpired here is beyond my expectations and I thank all these leaders who have come together in solidarity to ensure that our children can get an education. This shows how serious our government is towards education. This donation will impact positively on our performance and with the upcoming facelift, I’m sure our academic performance will also improve to reflect the good image of the school,” he said.

Also in attendance were Deputy Governor Ayub Savula, Vihiga Senator Godfrey Osotsi, Roots Party Leader Prof. George Wajackoyah, MPs Benard Shinali (Ikolomani), Didmus Barasa (Kanduyi), Major John Waluke (Sirisia), Kakai Bisau (Kiminini) and Innocent Mugabe (Likuyani); MCAs and other leaders. 

By Andanje Wakhungu

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