School in Kakamega holds fun day to boost students’ performance

Head teacher Allan Wabuti with Director Shadrack Salange. Photo by Sichangi Richard

Field of Life Education Centre Primary School in Mumias, Kakamega County has taken its Competence Based Curriculum (CBC) classes in the field where parents, teachers and students were engaged in various activities that were aimed at improving their performance in class.

Speaking to Education News during the outdoor event the school head teacher Allan Wabuti said that the school fun day is in tandem with the current CBS system of education as they involve the school community in the practical engagement of learning so that they become conversant with what the system demand of them as parents.


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The head also said the fun day also helped to enhance the bond between parents, teachers and their learners which improve their contact for easy managing of the child.

Also present was the school director Shadrack Salange.

During the event, the learners competed in various sporting events while teachers and parents participated in football among other sports for fun.

By Shichangi Richard

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