School in Kakamega elated after launching water project

St. Paul’s Lubinu Primary school in Kakamega County has heaved a sigh of relief following the launch of a water pump project funded through the partnership of the government under Water Regulatory Authority (WRA) and Friends of Timothy Organization.

Speaking during the launch, school Headteacher Jackson Simora appreciated the Project’s financiers for coming to the school’s rescue saying availability of water will boost the learning capacity and sustain learners and their activities.

“I want to thank the sponsors for funding this water project because since establishment in 1918, the school has never had a good source of water,” he said.

St. Paul’s Lubinu Primary school Headteacher Jackson Simora addresses the press.

Deputy Headteacher William Ashitiba said the school had been experiencing dire water shortage to the extent its day scholars carried water from their homes.

He said that regular water shortage exposed the learners to health hazards since available water was fetched from a stream kilometres away.

“The water they have been using has been leading to health issues with some of our learners suffering from stomach upsets but we are so grateful for this water pump,” Ashitiba said.

St. Paul’s Lubinu Primary school Deputy Headteacher William Ashitiba addresses the press.

The school has existed for over a century without a good source of water, a situation which has caused a lot of interference regarding learning.

It has a population of 1,413 pupils, with an ECDE centre, primary section and the Junior Secondary School (JSS) section.

It also has 23 TSC teachers, three BoM members, four JSS teachers and four ECDE teachers.

By Cally Imbayi

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