School in Butere awards top 2022 KCPE performers

Bukolwe Primary School learners display awards and gifts from First Lady Prof. Janet Barasa.

Bukolwe Primary School has awarded the top performing boys and girls in the 2022 KCPE examinations with trophies and cash to appreciate their efforts.

The school, which has been topping Butere sub-county for a year now, has continuously sent its candidates to the best national schools in the country.

Their academic excellence attracted the attention of the Kakamega County First Lady Prof. Janet Barasa who pledged to support performing schools by assisting girls with personal effects such as sanitary towels to enable them to stay in school even during their menses.

School Headteacher Mrs. Lilian Pessah thanked Prof. Barasa for the gesture saying that most girls are kept out of school during their periods and noted that the provision of the essential products will go a long way in uplifting the education standards in the area.

Prof. Barasa also donated boxers for the boys saying that for a long time the boy child had been sidelined leading most of them to abuse drugs.

She said that it was high time that boys were included in child development programmes to mitigate vices that may spiral out of control with their indulgence.

By Shichangi Richard

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