School heads, Film board to address harmful internet content

By Hilton Mwabili

Kenya Films and Classification Board (KFCB) has now joined hands with Kenya Secondary School Heads Association (KESSHA) in protecting school children against harmful media content.
The KFCB Chief Executive Officer, Ezekiel Mutua said the board will sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with all school heads to pave way for the media content regulatory body to use KESSHA platforms to speak to school children on how they can manage themselves against damaging content. Mutua further said KFCB has already engaged the Ministry of Education to see how values and responsible use of the internet and social media can be gainfully incorporated in the education curriculum.
Speaking during a Machakos Kessha Chapter AGM at Sai Rock hotel in Mombasa, the CEO was concerned that currently young children are under extreme threat of volumes of information they get via latest technological devices such as phones, play stations and internet.
The KFCB boss singled out the recent case of homosexuality amongst school children at a school in Western region as a typical example of how damaging exposure to bad content can be to children.

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