School girls get sanitary towels to mark World Menstrual Day

Pupils of Masaku and Nyakenogo Primary schools in Kitutu Chache North Constituency display the sanitary towels that were donated by well-wishers.

Girls from Nyakenogo and Masaku Primary schools have been given sanitary towels courtesy of well-wishers as the World Menstrual Day is marked.

In a speech read on his behalf by Gladys Nyaboke, one of his aides, Joshua Nyarenchi, the main donor, asked parents and teachers to pay close attention to challenges that girls face as they navigate life.

He regretted that many girls from poor homes skipped school during their menstrual period because they lack money to buy sanitary towels.

He asked the government to make the supply of sanitary towels a compulsory requirement to help girls balance their education with their biological struggles.

“The government has succeeded in supplying free books and infrastructure; so it is possible to support them with sanitary towels,” he said.

More than 200 girls received bundles of the commodity that will last three months.

The head teacher of Masaku Primary thanked the well-wishers for the kind gesture as she highlighted the major hurdles that hinder the girls from accessing quality education.

She said that some of the girls come from poor homes that can hardly afford three meals a day and this exposes them to sex predators, suggesting that the envy of their more affluent colleagues tempts them even more.

The head teacher expressed need for the introduction of compulsory school feeding programmes to enhance retention and security of the girl child in school.


Two pupils drown in a quarry pool in Busia

By Enock Okong’o

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