School drop-out seeks help to clear fee arrears

By Lydia Ngoolo

A school boy from Utithi secondary school in Kibwezi in Makueni County is called upon well-wishers to help him offset his huge school fees arrears.

The boy by the name Hamisi Peter dropped out of school due to lack of school fees, lamented that his dream of becoming a civil engineer might be shuttered due to his long absenteeism from class.

‘I dropped out of school in term one of form four. I had a balance of Sh56, 000,’ he revealed.

He went on to add that his parents abandoned him forcing his uncle to take him in and pay for his school fees.

“The harsh economic times caused by the Covid-19 pandemic made it difficult for my uncle to pay for my school fees. I had no option other than to drop out of school,” he added.

The boy registered for his final exam but was not allowed to continue with studies due to his high fee balance.

However, he has been studying at home with the guidance of his class teacher who contacts him regularly.

To reach out or offer assistance, contact him on phone number: 0702-294218

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