School children warned against loitering at local markets

By Corrspondent

Residents of Marakwet West Sub-County have resolved to stop school going children from loitering at market centres during school days and school holidays.

Market women in the area complained that students roam around markets centres instead of going straight home after closing schools, the same case with day students leaving school.

The said students roam Kapsowar, Cheptongei, Chebara, Kapchenes markets after school to engage in social vices such drug abuse, gambling and reckless sexual relationships.

The resolution was made during a Community Baraza which discussed the issues that affected access, retention and transition of learners at kapsowar township yesterday.

The area Deputy County Commissioner, Mr. Mathias Shishambo urged the residents to take advantage of the educational opportunities the government had provided by taking their children to schools.

He said the residents should be free to provide information that would help his office to crack down on drugs and other activities that undermined the education of children in the area.

The area Subcounty Director of Education Mr. E. Onyancha urged the residents to help fight early pregnancy of girls in the area, saying the practice was blighting the futures of many girls in the area.

He said some of the girls who delivered babies during 2020 KCPE and KCSE examinations ended up doing so well.

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