School boy recuperating after being waylaid, nearly sodomized by goons

By Enock Okong’o

A boy is recuperating in a Kisii County hospital after ‘known’ suspects waylaid and forced him into a bush where he was forced to smoke bhang before the goons made attempts to sodomize him.

The incident that targeted the Form Two boy from Nyatieko Secondary School has exposed a rift between the police of Nyatieko Police Station in Kisii County and the area community policing groups as the latter is accusing police of hosting criminals at the expense of the resident’s safety.

“We arrest suspects and take them to the station but they bribe the police and buy their freedom out,” said one of the group members.

They claimed that because of the police laxity on those on duty, crime has escalated in the area.

The community policing group claimed that when the boy resisted their advances, the gang seized and dragged him into the bush where he received severe beatings. Sensing more danger from the assailants, he raised alarm, calling for rescue.

Passersby who came to his aid rushed him to Kisii Teaching and Referral Hospital for treatment.

When Education News visited the hospital, the boy tried to talk from his hospital bed but was visibly too weak.

“They dragged me into the bush and asked me to smoke the illicit drug before they attempted to sodomize me but I raised alarm and lucky was on my side,” he said.

Kisii Central Deputy County Commissioner Elizabeth Atemi condemned the incident, promising to follow up the matter with the police to arrest and arraign the assailants in court.

Kisii County Police Commander Charles Kessesi said that he had not received any complaints about the matter but promised to respond immediately it reached his office.

“We rely on the public to furnish us with information and I promise to act promptly once my security officers feed me with appropriate information,” he said.

The police boss ordered his security officers to work with the community policing groups because they are familiar with the locals.

“I appeal to my officers to listen to the advice of this caliber of people because they are the government’s informers,” he added.

Effort by Education News to reach the Principal of Nyatieko Seconday School for comment did not succeed as he was away from the school during the weekend.

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