School BoMs warned against defending teachers who defile school girls

By Peter Otuoro

The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has accused Secondary school Boards of Management of defending teachers who defile school girls.

Speaking during a five-day Sub County Directors workshop held at ARC Hall in Egerton University, TSC Field Service Directorate official Cecilia Musyoki disclosed that the Commission’s disciplinary department had received many cases of teachers who have defiled school girls in various parts of the country but were being defended by their respective school BoMs against prosecution.

She said that BoM members were colluding with the parents and guardians of the minor to settle the case domestically thus denying the minor much needed justice .

Musyoki warned that the Commission shall ensure any BoM members who are involved in defending the teachers are arrested and arraigned in order to discourage others from involving themselves.

She asked that Kenyan school girls be given a conducive environment to learn and that the Commission shall not tolerate teachers who get involved in such immorality.

“As TSC we cannot allow any of the teachers in both secondary schools and primary schools to be involved in immoral behavior,” she said.

She advised all teachers to work professionally as prescribed by the code of ethics and in the same breath told school girls to behave accordingly and avoid incidents that may lead to such cases.

“School girls must also dress well while in school. Some of our girls are wearing miniskirts which should not happen in our schools. We expect them to put on official school uniform.” Concluded Musyoki.

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