Sanitary Towels Bill 2023 offers hope for needy girls

Sanitary towels
Kirinyaga Governor Anne Waiguru presents sanitary towels to girls during a past function

Schoolgirls in public institutions will benefit from free and sufficient sanitary towels, if Members of Parliament (MPs) pass the Sanitary Towels Bill 2023.

The bill sponsored by Nominated Senator Gloria Orwoba seeks to establish an inter-ministerial committee that will be charged with the responsibility of providing quality, free and sufficient sanitary towels in public institutions for girls.

“The committee shall have powers to manage, control and administer the assets of the committee, receive any gifts, grants, donations or endowments made to the committee and approve the opening and closing of bank accounts of the Committee with the approval of the National Treasury,” reads part of the bill.

According to the bill, a heavy fine and imprisonment of up to five years will be imposed on individuals or officials who may try to rebrand and resell the pads.

“A person who rebrands or resells sanitary towels that will be distributed by the committee, commits an offence and is liable for conviction and a fine not exceeding Ksh3 million or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three years or to both,” reads part of the bill.

Earlier this year, Orwoba walked into parliament in period-stained trousers to shine a light on, and end, period shaming.

The sanitary towel provision bill seeks to end period poverty by providing free sanitary pads to school girls and prisoners.

Ms Orwoba plans to fight for the passage of this bill and four others; Konza Technopolis Bill, Data Protection Amendment Bill, Swahili for Immigrants Bill and Election Act Amendment

Bill.By Thuita Jaswant

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