Sacco members urged to embrace technology

By Obadiah Oroko

Members of Gusii Mwalimu Savings and Credit Co-operative (Sacco) Society have been challenged to embrace modern Information Communication Technology (ICT) to transact their businesses with the Sacco to enhance the Society’s financial performance.
The Sacco’s Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Charles Omwansa has tipped members on the importance of adopting ICT while transacting their businesses with the Sacco.
Speaking in Kisii during the Sacco delegates’ one-day seminar, Omwansa reminded members that adoption of ICT among the Society’s membership translated to improved financial transaction services and timely customer outreach.
“I am encouraging our members to take advantage of the Sacco’s investment and adaption of technology in financial transactions to reap from the benefits of ICT, particularly enhanced service delivery and increased outreach to the members,” stated Omwansa
Omwansa observed that, though there are various barriers to ICT adoption by financial institutions, technology has proved to be the only management tool that controls operational costs, leading to improved productivity and profitability in the financial services sector.

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