Ruto to sponsor students for vocational training

By Enock Okong’o

The Deputy President (DP) William Ruto has said that if elected he will sponsor one student from each home  to acquire vocational training skills to enable them fit in the job market.

“The country does not lack employment but it lacks people with relevant skills to position them to  create wealth,” Ruto said.

The DP who visited Moticho Ward and addressed a public rally at Maroo town in Kisii County on 14th July told the youth from the area to join local Technical institutes like Nyansembe which has all training tools instead of flooding the bodaboda industry.

“Joining the bodaboda industry is good but it becomes better when you have acquired enough business skills to enable you operate it smoothly. The major role of education is to instill extra knowledge in you to know how to manipulate the available resources for survival,” he said.

Ruto further urged those joining University from the area to apply for courses that have demand in the job market rather thinking of teaching career only.

“Take courses like Botany, Accounting or Engineering that have readily available vacancies in the job market.” he advised.

The DP then lauded the area MP for using the NG-CDF to build new schools and renovate the existing ones to accomodate the big number of pupils in the region.

Ruto who was flanked by the hosting South Mugirango MP Sylvanus Osoro among other dignitaries, asked the youth to maintain peace during and after the elections so as not to disrupt education and to enable residents to operate their businesses in a conducive environment.

He later  asked the residents to vote him for president because his government will value and support devolved governments whose main feature is to take sevices nearer to the commonfolk.

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